
Are you ready to SHARE a MEMORY with us?

Maybe it’s old age and nostalgia setting in. Perhaps the COVID pandemic has us missing our classrooms and the student we get to enjoy every day. It could be that we are contemplating the next step in our own TEACHING JOURNEY. No matter the case, we would like to hear from you!

Help up by recording a memory of a time or experience we shared . . .

Was it a FUN EXPERIENCE with us in class or on a field trip?

Perhaps a really bad DAD JOKE that still rattles around in there . . .

Was there a TAKE AWAY LESSON that you learned from our unique approach to learning that is still meaningful to you now?

We would love to hear a story of your own PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS as it relates to something you gathered in classes with us.

Please CLICK BELOW and share some fun times!

We’ve already gotten some memories. Remember those End-of-Year surveys we like to have you complete?

Thank you, BTW. Your kind words matter!

Then and Now.

Mr. A & Ms. U

“I don’t know what he’s done or how he did it, but I can honestly say that I have nothing negative to say, except that he somehow transferred his enthusiasm for history and politics to me, seeing as I can’t stop reading and watching documentaries, and eerily looking for ulterior motives behind the words and actions of our politicians.”

— ADESH P. (former student)


“I don’t remember if I had the chance to thank you for what you taught me during my senior year. I grew in so many ways that I didn’t realize until now.”

— Katlyn M. (former student)


“I wanted to take the time to say thank you for everything you did to support me this year, both academically and personally. . . . Your innovative activities and enthusiasm are something I dearly admire, and I'm grateful that I can trust you to give me good life advice. My love for diverse cultures grew because your class was always engaging and interesting. . . . I don't know how, but you worked miracles. For the first time in my life, I feel utterly proud of my skills as a writer, and that's all thanks to you. I'm endlessly grateful for your unconditional concern for me and your students. It makes you an unforgettable teacher.”

— EUGENIA W. (former student)


If you miss learning from US

as much as we miss teaching YOU,

check out our pages linked below

to hear about our Teaching Journey

over the past few years.

Our Experiences in Teaching and Learning Have Taken Us Around the Globe


Every step along our Journey has been a pleasure . . . thanks to you.

Global Experience Teaching:

Cultivating individual and personalized learning environments for students to grow to their full potential.

Recent Inspirational Stories

[Coming Soon . . . This Section Is Under Construction . . . perhaps inspired by something YOU tell us about!]

Thank you for taking time out of your day to visit our site,

Mathew Astrom & Karin Uhlenhop